This third vignette briefly illustrates how our R package, winnerscurse, can be used to generate standard errors and confidence intervals for certain adjusted association estimates, obtained using the ‘discovery only’ Winner’s Curse correction methods. Here, we demonstrate the functionality of the functions, se_adjust and cl_interval, using a simulated data set of GWAS summary statistics and discuss the properties of each function. We create the same toy data set as that used in the first vignette:

sim_dataset <- sim_stats(nsnp=10^6,h2=0.4,prop_effect=0.01,nid=50000)
## simulated GWAS summary statistics
summary_stats <- sim_dataset$disc

Standard errors of adjusted estimates

  • The function se_adjust has three parameters:

    1. summary_data: a data frame in the form as described previously, with columns rsid, beta and se
    2. method: the user is required to specify which ‘discovery only’ method they wish to implement in order to obtain standard errors; "empirical_bayes", "BR_ss" or "FDR_IQT", which represent the use of the empirical Bayes method, the bootstrap method, or FDR Inverse Quantile Transformation, respectively. All three Winner’s Curse correction methods are detailed in the first vignette.
    3. n_boot: a numerical value which defines the number of bootstraps to be used, the default option is 100 bootstraps, n_boot=100. The function requires that this number is greater than 1.
  • se_adjust outputs a data frame in a similar format to other functions included in this R package. It includes the beta estimates obtained after adjustment using the specified method, method, as well as an additional column adj_se. This column contains a value which approximates the standard error of the adjusted association estimate.

  • se_adjust uses a parametric bootstrap approach. Firstly, using the inputted data set, n_boot individual data sets are created as follows. For each bootstrap \(\text{b} = 1, \dots\)n_boot, a value for \(\hat\beta^{(\text{b})}\) is generated for each SNP from a normal distribution centred at the naive \(\hat\beta\) with standard error, \(\text{se}(\hat\beta)\): \[\hat\beta^{(\text{b})} \sim N(\hat\beta, \text{se}(\hat\beta)).\]

  • The specified method, method, is then implemented on each of the n_boot data sets and so for each SNP, we now have n_boot adjusted ‘bootstrapped’ \(\hat\beta\) estimates. The standard error is then easily obtained by applying the function sd to this set of adjusted estimates for each SNP.

  • It is important to note that the use of bootstrapping with large data sets can be quite computationally intensive. On a personal computer, executing 100 bootstraps can result in se_adjust taking between 1 and 3 minutes to provide an output with a data set such as the one described here. As expected, BR_ss tends to take the longest of the three methods.

  • An example of the implementation of this function for each of the three methods is given below. For ease of demonstration, a mere 10 bootstraps is used on all occasions. However, a value of n_boot as small as this is not advised in practice.

out_EB <- se_adjust(summary_data = summary_stats, method = "empirical_bayes", n_boot=10)
#>   rsid        beta          se     beta_EB      adj_se
#> 1 7815  0.04771727 0.006568299  0.04599530 0.008669139
#> 2 3965  0.04609999 0.006346232  0.04443623 0.008500261
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.03999539 0.010010348
#> 4 9917  0.04164616 0.006334188  0.03998556 0.004601265
#> 5 7261  0.04162686 0.006343244  0.03996389 0.008016920
#> 6 6510  0.04254046 0.006500057  0.04083638 0.009074620

out_BR_ss <- se_adjust(summary_data = summary_stats, method = "BR_ss", n_boot=10)
#>   rsid        beta          se  beta_BR_ss      adj_se
#> 1 7815  0.04771727 0.006568299  0.03499261 0.006790539
#> 2 3965  0.04609999 0.006346232  0.03380467 0.006879619
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.03203960 0.002972599
#> 4 9917  0.04164616 0.006334188  0.02836485 0.004280097
#> 5 7261  0.04162686 0.006343244  0.02830782 0.004225297
#> 6 6510  0.04254046 0.006500057  0.02886472 0.004706941

out_FIQT <- se_adjust(summary_data = summary_stats, method = "FDR_IQT", n_boot=10)
#>   rsid        beta          se   beta_FIQT      adj_se
#> 1 7815  0.04771727 0.006568299  0.03422825 0.009403474
#> 2 3965  0.04609999 0.006346232  0.03307103 0.007694662
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.03188772 0.009541773
#> 4 9917  0.04164616 0.006334188  0.02823824 0.007188336
#> 5 7261  0.04162686 0.006343244  0.02827861 0.006387643
#> 6 6510  0.04254046 0.006500057  0.02897770 0.004577303

\(\star\) Note: Due to the nature of the conditional likelihood methods, i.e. adjustments are only made to association estimates of SNPs with \(p\)-values less than a chosen significance threshold, it is not possible to obtain standard errors of the conditional likelihood adjusted association estimates in the above manner.

\(\star\) Note: Currently, this package does not provide a way to create confidence intervals for adjusted association estimates obtained using the three methods mentioned above, empirical Bayes, FDR Inverse Quantile Transformation and bootstrap. However, one option that could be considered is to take an approach similar to that of se_adjust and obtain quantiles by means of parametric bootstrap. Unfortunately, in order to ensure accurate quantiles, this would require many n_boot simulated data sets to which the correction method of choice is applied, resulting in a very computationally intensive process. For this reason, a function that would generate suitable quantiles for each adjusted association estimate has been omitted from the R package for now.

Confidence intervals for estimates adjusted by conditional likelihood methods

  • The function cl_interval implements the conditional likelihood methods described in Ghosh et al. (2008) for each significant SNP and together with the three adjusted estimates, provides a single confidence interval for each SNP. As well as a data set in the form of a data frame with columns rsid, beta and se, cl_interval requires alpha, a value which specifies the significance threshold and conf, a value between 0 and 1 which determines the confidence interval. The default setting for conf is 0.95.

  • This confidence interval for the adjusted estimate is specified in Ghosh et al. (2008). With \(\mu = \frac{\beta}{\text{se}(\beta)}\) and \(z = \frac{\hat\beta}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta)}}\), consider the acceptance region \(A(\mu,1-\eta)\), which is defined as the interval between the \(\eta/2\) and \(1-\eta/2\) quantiles of the conditional density, \(p_{\mu}(z | \mid Z \mid > c )\). Having obtained the lower and upper boundaries of this acceptance region, the desired confidence interval is given as: \[(\mu_{\text{lower}}\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta)}, \mu_{\text{upper}}\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta)}).\]

  • In the output of cl_interval, the lower column holds the values of the lower confidence limit for each SNP while the upper column contains the upper confidence limit.

  • If no SNPs are detected as significant, the function returns a warning message: WARNING: There are no significant SNPs at this threshold.

  • cl_interval can be used in conjunction with the toy data set as shown below, in which alpha is specified as 5e-8 and a 95% confidence interval is desired:

out <- cl_interval(summary_data=summary_stats, alpha = 5e-8, conf_level=0.95)
#>   rsid        beta          se    beta.cl1    beta.cl2    beta.cl3       lower
#> 1 7815  0.04771727 0.006568299  0.04709173  0.04575084  0.04642129  0.02855506
#> 2 3965  0.04609999 0.006346232  0.04549476  0.04419814  0.04484645  0.02758022
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.04421716 -0.04238468 -0.04330092 -0.05716545
#> 4 9917  0.04164616 0.006334188  0.03909824  0.03598923  0.03754373  0.01349641
#> 5 7261  0.04162686 0.006343244  0.03900942  0.03584977  0.03742959  0.01319315
#> 6 6510  0.04254046 0.006500057  0.03975867  0.03645266  0.03810567  0.01304579
#>         upper
#> 1  0.06008004
#> 2  0.05804426
#> 3 -0.02376903
#> 4  0.05248926
#> 5  0.05245207
#> 6  0.05358307

\(\star\) Note: Similar to condlike_rep discussed in the second vignette, cl_interval also uses the R function uniroot which generates values for upper and lower numerically and thus, we advise users to be cautious of uniroot’s possible failure to obtain appropriate values in certain circumstances. In practice, this failure has been witnessed to occur very rarely. However, in order to ensure a greater possibility that cl_interval will produce appropriate confidence intervals for each significant SNPs, cl_interval can only be used with data sets in which the absolute value of the largest naive \(z\)-statistic is less than 150.

In the final part of this vignette, we will evaluate and visualise the above obtained confidence intervals. Firstly, we will consider computing the coverage of these confidence intervals for the significant SNPs, i.e. we calculate what percentage of these confidence intervals contain the true association estimate, as shown below.

## Simulated true effect sizes:
true_beta <- sim_dataset$true$true_beta[out$rsid]

## coverage
coverage <- (sum((true_beta > out$lower) & (true_beta < out$upper))/length(true_beta))*100
#> [1] 96.9697

Next, we construct a simple forest plot to illustrate the adjusted association estimates and corresponding confidence intervals for each SNP in our simulated data set. Of the three conditional likelihood adjusted estimates, we include beta.cl2 as the effect size in our plot.

col <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
out$index <- c(33:1)
out$pos <- out$beta > 0
ggplot(data=out, aes(y=index, x=beta.cl2, xmin=lower, xmax=upper, color=pos)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbarh(height=.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c(col[1],col[2])) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "SNP ID", breaks=1:nrow(out), labels=out$rsid) + xlab(expression(paste("Effect size of sig. SNPs at  ", 5%*%10^-8))) + theme_bw() + geom_vline(xintercept=0, colour="black",linetype='dashed', alpha=.5) +  theme(text = element_text(size=10),legend.position="none") 

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